Bergbahnen und Postautos im Sommer im "Alpenfirn" inklusive
Ferienrepublik Saas-Fee Saastal

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Apartments in saas fee - Holiday in the Alpenfirn

Best prices guaranteed on our website !

"Magic pass" or "Winter Package" - it's your choice !

It's time! The Magic Pass, which combines more than 30 destinations with 1'200 km of slopes, 16 snowparks and 100 mountain restaurants is available for the 2019/20 season.


From winter 2019/20 also with Saas-Fee/Saas-Almagell!


As longer as you wait, as more expensive it will be!




more summer - more fun !

Virtual Tour into the Alpenfirn... Please enter!


Admidst a scenic and breathtaking alpine world we provide you with the comfort and pleasant atmosphere of our affectionately furnished three-star superior holiday apartments near the ski area of Saas-Fee.

Our apartments


CORDIAL & PRIVATE - A heart in the right place, warm hospitableness, personal concern, attentive service, private talk, sound nature and much more...
THIS matters to us.

About us and the Alpenfirn


Sun, guaranteed snow, fresh air and an altitude of up to 4'545m above the everyday world, holidaying in Saas-Fee is unlike anywhere else. Free yourself from holidays devoid of sun and snow.

Holiday destination Saas-Fee

Saas-Fee in 100 seconds